Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
PARK HOUSE super store |
35 |
PRISWAP online mega store |
35 |
PS shudh aahar punjab store |
31 |
PURPLE LINE fashion store |
25 |
R more store |
28 |
RAJA VEER RV cloth store |
24 |
RAMESH silk store |
24 |
RELIANCE store 100 |
42 |
RELIANCE store to door |
42 |
42 |
RELIANCE music store |
9, 41 |
RESTORE retail store mgmt. |
41 |
ROSHAN'S THE diamond store |
35 |
SAGA the department store |
1, 3, 5, 6, 9, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 31, 33, 34 |
SAGA the departmental store |
14 |
SAGAR super store |
31, 35 |
SARDAR sales store |
35 |
SHAKUN medical store |
42 |
SHIVDHARA quality store +ar |
35 |
SMILE mobile store +face |
35 |
SPS SIDDIQUI paint store |
35 |
SRI MURUGAN ghee store |
29 |
SRK digi life store |
35 |
STRAPS second skin store |
8 |
store |
16 |
SUPER store 2000 |
9 |
SUSHIL'S departmental store |
35 |
T.T.S. the top store |
24, 25 |
THE ELITE store |
35 |
THE HOME store |
20 |
store |
42 |
THE SURPLUS store +arrow |
24 |
35 |
THE USHA fan store +squares |
35 |
THE USHA sewing store |
35 |
28 |
24 |
THE electronic store +face |
35 |
THS the home store |
4, 8, 20, 21, 24, 26, 27 |
TWIST N TALES book store |
16 |
URBANZ departmental store |
35 |
VEE JAY'S fair price store |
35 |
WELLNESS TREE health store |
3 |
WPS wada-pav store +squares |
43 |
store |
42 |
bachat the discount store |
24 |
bangalore e-store |
9, 11 |
euro FORBES home store |
1, 18, 29 |
j JAGDISH store +square |
17, 18, 20 |
jay bharat shoes store |
35 |
more store +peacock |
1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34 |
new ZIMIDARA store |
35 |
nri silk store |
35 |
original LEVI'S store |
16 |
raid store |
9 |
super cloth store |
24 |
the bombay store +elephant |
35 |
us dollar store +stripes |
12, 28 |
AACHI super stores |
42 |
AMERICAN dry fruit stores |
35 |
APR super stores |
21 |
ARWAH tea & general stores |
30 |
BANSAL stores |
35 |
BFS branded factory stores |
36 |
BINA musical stores |
35 |
COMFY stores |
35 |
30 |
CS CHANDAN stores +cart |
35 |
DFS direct factory stores |
21, 29 |
EASTERN stores woollen shop |
24 |
GHAI super stores |
35 |
GOEL stores |
42 |
GRANARY super stores +squar |
16, 31 |
GS grand stores +circle |
35 |
H howrah stores +wheel |
24 |
HASMUKH tobacco stores |
34 |
HSM shoppers value stores |
25 |
JS JAIN stores +sun |
29 |
KALRA military stores |
6 |
KANI departmental stores |
35 |
stores |
30 |
KSO margin free stores |
29 |
M MUTHA department stores |
35 |
MARIE stores +building |
5 |
N stores |
2 |
NATCO drug stores |
5 |
NEW RAMESH kirana stores |
31 |
POTHYS super stores |
3, 14, 15, 31, 35, 42 |
PRINCE stores |
16 |
RAMESH dryfruit stores |
30 |
RELIANCE stores specialists |
42 |
42 |
stores |
42 |
RELIANCE mobile stores |
9 |
RELIANCE speciality stores |
42 |
RELIANCE super stores |
42 |
ROOPAK stores since 1958 |
30, 31 |
RR RAMA stores +arcs |
25, 28, 35 |
SANTHOSH super stores |
42 |
VASANT kangan stores |
14, 20 |